Radio Accounting Authority

Radio Accounting Authority provides a ship with an Audio Accounting Identification Code. We have partners with whom we offer a wide range of radio and satellite maritime telecommunication services through its network of multiple operators around the world. Our intense network in the maritime telecommunications industry enables us to serve our customers in a timely manner at the best telecommunication rates. The Audio Accounting Identification Code needs the authority selection from list of approved RA. If a Radio BM was used earlier and now the ship’s flag has changed the equipments onboard need to be recognised and reactivated.Leadsmar is partner of BRIGHT NORTH and RADIO LLOYD in Istanbul,Turkey.The RAA code is PG-18,PG-19 and PSA code is 3178,3174.

We provide following services to our customers ;

  • Change of R.A.A.
  • INM-C Activation and De-activation
  • Registration of E.P.I.R.B.
  • L.R.I.T.Conformance Test